CONSOLE PRODUCTS


RetroKidz produces a wide variety of products for classic console games.

We will have products available for Atari 2600, 5200, 7800 & Jaguar, Coleco, Sega Genesis

Odyssey, Emerson Arcadia, Intellivision 1& 2 and many others.

Build to Order

Because of the special nature of products that RetroKidz produces most are
available on a build-to-order basis. Meaning that once an order is placed and
payment received we will build, test and ship that order usually within 2 weeks.


All RetroKidz products have a limited lifetime warranty from defects in
workmanship. We cannot warranty our products from improper installiation,
power surges, lightning strikes, etc.  All of our products have install guides
in PDF format that you can download in advance of ordering so that you can
determinine if you have the technical skills to perform the install. We can
on a case by case basis perform the install for you.


All content including discriptions, images, etc are the property of Vector Labs. All other
video game manufacturers names and or video game titles are the property of their respective companies.


SALES@VECTOR-LABS.COM                                        SUPPORT@VECTOR-LABS.COM  
